Monday, July 14, 2008

Stucture for ship building

In this page i will show some structure of a ship, like a support vessel, cargo, barge, and tanker.

Nowadays, ship built by steel. Steel for construction purposes is usually mild steel.

There are some items that should be consider to build a ship, they are about size and type of a ship, material, material equipment, machining material, unit size and weight to be fabricated and erected.

A support vessel usually use semen tank in it's structure, so engineering will prepare the type of blog assembly for this ship.

Usually ship will build with frames as skeleton of the ship.

also we can see a double bottom. The space in between the two bottom is often used as storage tanks for fuel and ballast water.

Bulkhead (bhd) in ship serve several purpose, first increase the structural rigidity
of the vessel, second they divide functional areas in to room and create water tight compartments that can contain water in the case of a hull breanch or other leak.

Some bulkhead and decks are fire resistance rated to achieve compartmentalisation , a passive fire protection measure.

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